A favorite quote if mine is “Questions can shape our lives.” I also believe the following:
- Questions lead to answers.
- Answers lead to actions.
- Action leads to change.
What questions do you ask yourself? Are you asking “Why isn’t my life more exciting?” or – are you asking “How can I make my life more exciting?” Even better “What exciting new thing can I do today?” The more your questions are specific and achievable – the more likely the ansewr is to to lead to change in your life.
What questions do you ask others? “When are you going to get that report done?” or “Did you do the laundry yet?” Are other’s questions implicitly giving you direction. Direction that you may or may not deserve or want. Can you get others to reshape their questions? “Do you have time to finish that report this week?” “I’m out of white shirts – are you doing laundry today – or should I put in a load myself?”
How about “Will heaven be interesting?” “What does done mean?”